Funded by The Heritage Lottery Fund, this project is keeping our Research Assistant busy for the next few months.
Rosemarie will be researching and presenting, in the form of a booklet and travelling display, the history of neurodivergent conditions and people through the ages.
"At last, an opportunity to put my bibliophilia and love of history to use! I’m really fascinated by neurodiversity, how neurodivergent people were treated in the past and how the current classifications of neurodivergent conditions developed."
- Rosemarie, Research Assistant
Cave painting of lions drawn on the walls of the Chauvet Pont d'Arc Cave in the south of France. (Wikimedia Commons)
Northamptonshire County General Lunatic Asylum.
(Wikimedia Commons)
Starting in the Palaeolithic with genetics and hypothesise about cave art, this millennia-spanning journey will take you from ancient history to the classical and early modern period of legal rather than medical classifications, the development of medicalisation, psychiatry, and asylums. She’ll bring us right up to the present-day explosion in neurodiversity awareness.
"This is such an exciting opportunity to learn so much, and I can’t wait to share what I learn with everyone.”
- Rosemarie, Research Assistant
There will also be a surprise for everyone once the project is complete!
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