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Autistic and Artistic 🖌

Updated: Dec 14, 2021

To celebrate World Autism Awareness Week, we would love to share some of the fantastic artwork that has been created by the inspirational members of the Arts and Crafts Group.

These are all self-portraits that so perfectly embody the inner feelings and imagination of the artists that brought them to life.

"A Passive Observer of the Game of Life, or The Outsider" (2021)

"A room full of people, only all I can see or remember is the pictures on the wall and the dimensions of the room." (2021)

Artist Note: "I was about 25 when I painted these - the first one is monochrome, apart form a crimson tear on the cheek. I relate this one to masking and the sense of losing self or becoming stone like in order to conform and the pain that came with it that only a tear can express."

Artist Note: "A head full of books, at sea, showing my confusion with the world, my love of books - reading, collecting and writing and especially fantasy. The words are lines from a poem I'm working on, inspired by the picture. I feel like I have a dose of madness every day."

Artist Note: "The way I perceive the world and the way I think is really important to me. It is often overwhelming and sometimes downright painful, especially when it's misunderstood, but I definitely wouldn't change it. While my Autism is an integral part of who I am, it is by no means all I am"

Arts and Crafts Group

Explore your creative side in our weekly Arts and Crafts Group!

To be invited to the next online group, email us on with the message "I want to join the Arts Group".

If you have any stories relating to your experiences with The Faraway CIC or positive autism stories, please get in touch with us on or calling 01472 571100.

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