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CIC Hires the First Autism Mentors in North East Lincolnshire

Updated: Feb 15, 2022

Something Entirely New

Even before The Faraway CIC was founded in late 2019, the directors have been at the forefront of championing autism awareness in the community and opening up employment opportunities for autistic people. All the directors come from a background of autism support and advocacy, all being long-standing members of the Adult Autism Forum and the Adult Autism Board.

The CIC is glad to announce that their Autism Mentor Project has now hired their first Autism Mentors. These mentors will be supporting autistic individuals across North East Lincolnshire to achieve their employment goals and reduce isolation.

The Autism Mentors are the first job of their kind in North East Lincolnshire that is specifically designed for autistic people. It focusses on their strengths and gives them the supporting structure to assist others within the community. They will also be enthusiastic advocates of autism awareness, set to dispel myths and stereotypes often attributed to autistic people.

Laurie Kennedy, a Director of The Faraway CIC, said:

“I can see a bright future in autism awareness in North East Lincolnshire and I look forward to working with the Autism Mentors.

“They are very passionate people and I think that they themselves are a testament to the strengths that come from being on the spectrum.”

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